Thursday, December 24, 2009

Need Prayer

Situation with Nate: One of the millions of requirements for obtaining a 2 year visa to Australia is submitting an FBI background check. For some reason, Nate is still waiting for his. He cannot send in his visa application until he receives this. There are also no expediting processes for Aussie visas, thus Nate's will take the probable time of about 5 weeks. So even if he sent in his application today, he would still not get his visa until the end of January. So we're tossing up a prayer for a miracle. Pray that he gets his FBI background check immediately, and that once he sends in his visa application, he would receive it back within a week. YES, that would certainly be a miracle.

Situation with Amanda: Amanda just got home from Australia a few weeks ago and is still re-raising her financial support. She has her visa, but cannot come until she finishes her support. Please pray that the Lord would encourage the majority of her supporters from last year to continue giving this year, and that she would also find other new supporters to pick up what finances remain.

Pray for Alex, (the Student Life student president) as he begins to plan events with me from a world apart. Pray that the Christians would be given a boldness the likes of which they have never known to share the good news of Jesus all around their campus, their city, and where ever God may take them. Pray that our travel goes smoothly and safely.

May God grant you grace and peace,

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