Impact Camp Photo
Impact Camp - Last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we held our key student labourers retreat at a local church in Brissy. There were four primary purposes:
1. Cast Vision for the Direction/Purpose of Student Life (in general) and specifically for this year.
2. Provide training in evangelism and follow-up calls for interested new students.
3. Create a calender of events for the year within each Focus Area [explanation of Focus Areas below]
4. Fellowship & bonding between the students and the new STINT team.
Here's everyone before a meeting.

Trying to do a fun photo.
Leading evangelism training with Kris.
This year we plan on continuing those four and adding more:
*Logan Campus - First of all, I (with the help of Nate) will be pioneering at Logan Campus for a day or two every week to launch a movement there. This has never happened before at Griffith University. Please pray for me as I look for believers at Logan who might be interested in joining Student Life and starting a Focus Area there.
*South Bank Campus - Secondly, this is another Griffith Campus that has never been pursued by a STINT team. But this year Kris & Amanda will be pioneering there to launch the first ever South Bank Focus Area. Please pray for this pursuit as well.
*Multi-Media - Kris has some unique skills in the area of video productions and has been approved to spend one day a week using his abilities to produce quality videos to help promote the UpperMidwest partnerships around the world: Australia, France, Urugauy, Ghana, East Asia, & 4th Journey (middle east location). Please pray for him as he seeks the Lord on how to best use this time. This is a vital way that the Lord uses to call many soon-to-be graduates into missions.
Oh and if you haven't heard yet, Amanda and Nate are both here. Praise the Lord!
We have a big week ahead of us. A team of 5 Americans will join us next week, Monday through Saturday to help connect with as many students as we possibly can. Next week is also Orientation Week for first year students. This is Key!
If we can reach the first years for Christ each year, ministry will be continuously propelled forward. So please pray that we would find many believing students who are looking to get involved, and that we would find non-believing students who are interested in learning about Christ.
If you are not currently receiving my monthly updates and would like to, please email me at to request them. Thanks for reading...but mostly for praying. ONE LOVE!